Announce: Release of Entangle v0.3.1 – An app for tethered camera control & capture

Posted: February 13th, 2012 | Filed under: Entangle, Fedora, Photography | Tags: , , , , | 1 Comment »

I am pleased to announce a new release 0.3.1 of Entangle, a GTK3 desktop application for tethered camera control & capture, is available for download from the usual location. This release has focused exclusively on bug fixing following the major refactoring that went into the previous release. If you were having trouble with the previous release crashing, then I hope this new one should improve things significantly.

  • Fix crash in handling camera control combo list
  • Add notice about need to set XDG_DATA_DIRS when installing into unusual directories
  • Add workaround to avoid immediate crash if schemas were not found in XDG_DATA_DIRS
  • Compile schema files after installation
  • Fix crash updating widget sensitivity
  • Fix crashes & race conditions during capture of images
  • Fix infinite preview error message popups which can hang the window manager
  • Fix crash when retrying a failed connection attempt
  • Fix thread locking when hiding status display
  • Avoid running multiple threads for monitoring status
  • Fix initial sensitivity of camera control panels
  • Update README with new URLs for bugs/mailing lists

Since the latest release I have also registered Entangle with GNA!, to get support for mailing lists and bug tracking.

One Response to “Announce: Release of Entangle v0.3.1 – An app for tethered camera control & capture”

  1. Elliott says:

    How did you manage to release this in the future? November 13th, 2012?

    PS, your spam protection asks a question in words, but seems to require an answer in numbers without saying so.

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