Announce: gerrymander 1.5 “some beans and some beans is four!” – a client API and command line tool for gerrit

Posted: February 22nd, 2016 | Filed under: Coding Tips, Fedora, OpenStack, Virt Tools | Tags: , , , , | No Comments »

I’m pleased to announce the availability of a new release of gerrymander, version 1.5. Gerrymander provides a python command line tool and APIs for querying information from the gerrit review system, as used in OpenStack and many other projects. You can get it from pypi

# pip install gerrymander

Or straight from GitHub

# git clone git://

If you’re the impatient type, then go to the README file which provides a quick start guide to using the tool.

This release contains a mixture of bug fixes and new features

  • Honour the ‘files’ parameter in the ‘todo-noones’ command
  • Only match filenames against current patchset
  • Handle pagination with gerrit >= 2.9
  • Avoid looping forever if sort key is missing in results
  • Don’t call encode() on integer types
  • Auto-detect gerrit server from git remote
  • Don’t include your own changes in todo lists
  • Fix type casting of cache lifetime values in config file
  • Optionally show hierarchical relationship between changes via new ‘–deps’ option

Thanks to everyone who contributed this release, whether by reporting bugs, requesting features or submitting patches.

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