Announce: gerrymander 1.2 “As effective as a cat-flap in an elephant house” – a client API and command line tool for gerrit

Posted: July 3rd, 2014 | Filed under: Coding Tips, Fedora, OpenStack, Virt Tools | Tags: , , , , | No Comments »

I’m pleased to announce the availability of a new release of gerrymander, version 1.2. Gerrymander provides a python command line tool and APIs for querying information from the gerrit review system, as used in OpenStack and many other projects. You can get it from pypi

# pip install gerrymander

Or straight from GitHub

# git clone git://

If you’re the impatient type, then go to the README file which provides a quick start guide to using the tool.

The changes in version 1.2 are

  • Don’t drop ‘Restored’ comments in ‘comments’ command
  • Change ‘assertEquals’ to ‘assertEqual’
  • Print list of options for ‘changes’ command in help message
  • Send all output via a pager (eg less or whatever $PAGER says) Can disable via setting GERRYMANDER_PAGER=cat env var.
  • Fix ordering of comments when > 10 patch sets are present
  • Handle remaining event types
  • Stop subprocesses getting signals intended for main process
  • Improve colourization of review votes

Thanks to everyone who contributed patches that went into this new release

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