Announce: Entangle “Gluon” release 0.4.1 – An app for tethered camera control & capture

I am pleased to announce a new release 0.4.1 of Entangle is available for download from the usual location:

This release focuses on bug fixing, but throws in a couple of small feature improvements too

  • Fix leak of image pixbufs when changing image in session
  • Keep toolbar directory in sync with session dir
  • Fix leak when displaying image popups
  • Fix leak when closing image popups
  • Fix key bindings in session browser
  • Add image histogram display
  • Load libpeas introspection data for plugins
  • Main plugin list in preferences
  • Add object type checking in all APIs
  • Fix image mask aspect ratio conversion to avoid locale problems
  • Fix build on GTK < 3.4
  • Remove obsolete conditionals from GTK 2.x days
  • Populate list of supported cameras in help menu dialog
  • Add a simple man page
  • Add accelerators for many menu options
  • Fix unref of cairo surface objects
  • Avoid GTK assertion when range is max-min is zero
  • Avoid crash in control panel when updating after camera disconnect

As before we still need help getting the UI translated into as many languages as possible, so if you are able to help out, please join the Fedora translation team:

Thanks to everyone who helped contribute to this release & troubleshooting of the previous releases.

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