Announce: Entangle “Higgs Boson” release 0.4.0 – An app for tethered camera control & capture

I am pleased to announce a new release 0.4.0 of Entangle is available for download from the usual location:

This release introduces a number of new features requested by users:

  • Better use of GtkApplication class
  • Add support for multiple windows & cameras
  • Add ability to sync capture/preview across windows
  • Add preference to control whether cameras autoconnect at startup
  • Add ability to apply aspect ratio masks to images
  • Add key bindings for common actions (see README)
  • Rewrite session browser widget to not use GtkIconView
  • Add popup menu with session browser to allow open and delete of captured images
  • Fix memory leak during preview
  • Fix memory leak in session browser widget
  • Add ability to DPMS-blank screen during capture for consistent lighting environment
  • Add ability to render a focus point during preview
  • Add ability to render grid lines during preview
  • Merge “New session” and “Open session” toolbar buttons into one “Select session” drop down / menu
  • Add custom icons for toolbar capture/preview buttons

As before we still need help getting the UI translated into as many languages as possible, so if you are able to help out, please join the Fedora translation team:

Thanks to everyone who helped contribute to this release & troubleshooting of the previous releases.

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