ANNOUNCE: libvirt-glib release 1.0.0

Posted: November 4th, 2016 | Filed under: Fedora, libvirt, Virt Tools | Tags: | No Comments »

I am pleased to announce that a new release of the libvirt-glib package, version 1.0.0, is now available from

The packages are GPG signed with

Key fingerprint: DAF3 A6FD B26B 6291 2D0E 8E3F BE86 EBB4 1510 4FDF (4096R)

Changes in this release:

  • Switch to new release numbering scheme, major digit incremented each year, minor for each release, micro for stable branches (if any)
  • Fix Libs.private variable in pkg-config file
  • Fix git introspection warnings
  • Add ability to set SPICE gl property
  • Add support for virtio video model
  • Add support for 3d accel property
  • Add support for querying video model
  • Add support for host device config for PCI devs
  • Add docs for more APIs
  • Avoid unused variable warnings
  • Fix check for libvirt optional features to use pkg-config
  • Delete manually written python binding. All apps should use PyGObject with gobject introspection.
  • Allow schema to be NULL on config objects
  • Preserve unknown devices listed in XML
  • Add further test coverage

libvirt-glib comprises three distinct libraries:

  • libvirt-glib – Integrate with the GLib event loop and error handling
  • libvirt-gconfig – Representation of libvirt XML documents as GObjects
  • libvirt-gobject – Mapping of libvirt APIs into the GObject type system

NB: While libvirt aims to be API/ABI stable forever, with libvirt-glib we are not currently guaranteeing that libvirt-glib libraries are permanently API/ABI stable. That said we do not expect to break the API/ABI for the forseeable future and will always strive avoid it.

Follow up comments about libvirt-glib should be directed to the regular development list.

Thanks to all the people involved in contributing to this release.


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