Announce: Entangle “Top” release 0.7.1 – an app for tethered camera control & capture

Posted: February 21st, 2016 | Filed under: Entangle, Fedora, Photography | 1 Comment »

I am pleased to announce a new release 0.7.1 of Entangle is available for download from the usual location:

The this is mostly a bug fix release, but there was a little feature work on the film strip viewer widget. It has been rewritten to dynamically scale thumbnails according to the available space, and caches thumbnails at 256px size instead of 128px.

  • Fix linking problem with strict linkers
  • Misc spelling fixes to online help docs
  • Replace use of GSimpleAsyncResult with GTask
  • Specify versions when importing from python plugins
  • Remove use of deprecated GTK APIs
  • Render image stats overlay partially transparent
  • Fix error reporting when saving settings
  • Flush events after capture to avoid accidentally restarting preview
  • Make Nikon fine focus stepping finer
  • Ensure images are sorted by last modified date
  • Switch from 128 px to 256 px thumbnail sizes to benefit larger high dpi screens
  • Rewrite film strip browser to dynamically resize icons to fit available space
  • Draw symbolic icons in film strip if image is not yet loaded
  • Refresh translations from Zanata

One Response to “Announce: Entangle “Top” release 0.7.1 – an app for tethered camera control & capture”

  1. Sidney says:

    The link points to the older 0.6 version.
    BTW, how is it about Olympus Evolt series support? Sadly I can’t use this nice program with my E5…

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