Announce: Entangle “Charm” release 0.7.0 – an app for tethered camera control & capture

Posted: March 17th, 2015 | Filed under: Entangle, Fedora, Photography | Tags: , | No Comments »

I am pleased to announce a new release 0.7.0 of Entangle is available for download from the usual location:

The main features introduced in this release are a brand new logo, a plugin for automated capture of image sequences and the start of a help manual. The full set of changes is

  • Require GLib >= 2.36
  • Import new logo design
  • Switch to using for translations
  • Set default window icon
  • Introduce an initial help manual via yelp
  • Use shared library for core engine to ensure all symbols are exported to plugins
  • Add framework for scripting capture operations
  • Workaround camera busy problems with Nikon cameras
  • Add a plugin for repeated capture sequences
  • Replace progress bar with spinner icon

The Entangle project has a bit of a quantum physics theme in its application name and release code names. So primary inspiration for the new logo was the interference patterns from (electromagnetic) waves. As well as being an alternate representation of an interference pattern, the connecting filaments can also be considered to represent the (USB) cable connecting camera & computer. The screenshot of the about dialog shows the new logo used in the application:


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