Announce: Entangle “Up” release 0.5.4 – An app for tethered camera control & capture

Posted: December 15th, 2013 | Filed under: Entangle, Fedora, Photography | Tags: , | No Comments »

I am pleased to announce a new release 0.5.4 of Entangle is available for download from the usual location:

This release is primarily focused on bug fixes.

  • Ensure thumbnail directory exists when saving thumbnails
  • Fix memory leak generating thumbnails from raw images
  • Add an appdata XML file for GNOME software center
  • Create a dedicated camera actions menu
  • Fix include of gexiv2 header files
  • Fix image selection for onion skinning in preview mode
  • Display selected image when cancelling preview
  • Fix empty tooltips on capture/preview buttons
  • Fix scaling for preview image in onion skinning mode
  • Increase emphasis of top image in onion skinning mode
  • Improve granularity of manual focus and add extra ‘<‘ and ‘>’ key accelerators for coarse focus
  • Fix leak of image exiting preview mode
  • Make progress toolbar button permanently visible

As before we still need help getting the UI translated into as many languages as possible, so if you are able to help out, please join the Fedora translation team:

Thanks to everyone who helped contribute to this release & troubleshooting of the previous releases.

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